Tag Archives: marriage

Divorce Tips To Get Through And Beat The Stress

Divorce Can Mean Different Things To Different PeopleEven After Divorce, The Future Can Look Very Bright!
Divorce Can Mean Different Things To Different People
Even After Divorce, The Future Can Look Very Bright!

Going through a divorce can leave you angry, in grief and filled with mixed emotions. In other words, it can be a time of intense stress.

During this period you may feel like your life is falling apart. However, the end of marriage can be the beginning of personal growth – after you get your stress under control.

To help you get your life back on track, experts recommend working on yourself from the inside out.

For example, studies show that taking an all-natural anti-stress supplement can help the body’s natural defenses fight against the emotional wear and tear of a divorce, such as lack of sleep.

By taking an all-natural anti-stress supplement each day, you’ll increase your body’s Continue reading Divorce Tips To Get Through And Beat The Stress

Avoid Personal Disintegration From A Broken Marriage With Hypnotherapy For Break Ups And Divorce

When we fall in love and experience the first blush of romance, it seems to us that life couldn’t be better. The world seems perfect and rosy, and we cannot bear to think of ever living without our partner. Yet, the reality is that more often than not there is trouble in paradise; after a period of time spent together, the rosy hue dissipates only to be replaced by a sepia toned world. The divorce rates have gone up around the world in the last few years, and break ups are as common as the housefly! Research says that almost 49% of the marriages end up in divorce within the first 7 years in the US; globally, one out of every three married couples is headed for divorce.  A separation of such a kind is very difficult to handle for any person; feelings of anger, depression, nervous breakdowns and disillusionment are what people experience in general. Though such a situation is a bitter pill to swallow, we have to do it and do it with dignity.

Hypnotherapy for break-ups and divorce can help you pass over this phase with less pain Continue reading Avoid Personal Disintegration From A Broken Marriage With Hypnotherapy For Break Ups And Divorce